Movies & TV

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – Pokémon 4Ever

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – Pokémon 4Ever

As many people likely know, I am a huge fan of the Pokémon franchise in both video games and television, however, Pokémon was also brought to the big screen a few times in the late 1990s and early 2000s.  Although about 15 or so Pokémon movies exists, only the first 4 were brought to theaters. […]

Crappy Movie Rewind – Super Mario Bros

Crappy Movie Rewind – Super Mario Bros

I know this may not be the best way to kick off Smash Month, but I felt diving into this movie first things first was the best way to sort of get it out of the way. Now I also want to review this movie as unbiased as possible, but truth be told, I have […]

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – The Nightmare Before Christmas

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a beloved classic that many people continue to watch year after year, but recently I’ve noticed something about this movie that really boils my blood. A large portion of the population completely believe this film was directed by Tim Burton, and it’s really nobody’s fault but Burton’s that this misconception […]

Crappy Movie Rewind: Resident Evil

Crappy Movie Rewind: Resident Evil

In the mid 1990s, a horror game known as Resident Evil was released for the Playstation and the Dreamcast. The game was insanely fun, atmospheric and actually scared the shit out of a lot of kids. Now as Hollywood tends to do, they wanted to cash in on the franchises popularity, so in 2002, a […]

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – Alien

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – Alien

Rarely when I write these movie reviews do I ever get to talk about a movie that I truly consider perfect in almost every single way but that is really the key word to use when describing Ridley Scott’s scifi thriller “Alien”. Perfection. There are very few movies, even in this day and age, that […]

Crappy Movie Rewind – Battleship

Crappy Movie Rewind – Battleship

In 2012, Hasbro decided that it was in their best interest to make a film adaptation of the classic board game “Battleship”. Now the concept of the game was simple. You have two fleets of 6 battleships and you fire blindly at your opponent hoping that you hit one of their ships. The game was […]

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

Nerdy Movies Refreshed – Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

After the first Indiana Jones movie (Raiders of the Lost Ark) was released to financial and critical praise in 1981, of course it was up to Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas to create a sequel. Because they both love money. In what may seem like a rather bold move, they actually decided not to make […]

Crappy Movie Rewind : Rhinestone (1984)

Crappy Movie Rewind : Rhinestone (1984)

In the height of Sylvester Stalone’s popularity, he made a lot of very smart moves for his career. Some notable examples of this were his starring roles in both the Rambo and Rocky franchises that both shot to incredible success. Now, every popular movie star in any time makes some silly choices, and his silliest […]

Guardians Of The Galaxy Review

Guardians Of The Galaxy Review

With Marvel shooting out movies left and right, it’s difficult to determine which of these action-packed movies will pass the bill and which of them fall short of being remarkable. With the newest addition “Guardians Of The Galaxy” it’s clear that this film is one of the entries that soars, infact, it might be the […]

Kickstarter Alert: Sassquatch: Return of the Queen

Kickstarter Alert: Sassquatch: Return of the Queen

Punch Nerds friend Tyler Boyco is putting together a feature length movie based on some short films he made called Sassquatch. This new installment is said to be “an action-packed musical comedy that features kung fu fighting, dancing, puppets, wizards, elves, mythological creatures, drag queens, a kick-ass soundtrack and a healthy dose of WTF?!” If […]